
<b>RS485 explosion proof carbon dioxide sensor</b>

KD97B70 RS485 explosion proof carbon dioxide sensor

  Datasheet   Detail

<b>outdoor wind direction sensor of RS485 bus</b>

SM5387B outdoor wind direction sensor of RS485 bus

  Datasheet   Detail

<font color='SL2110'>LORA temperture and humiduy sensor</font

SL2110 LORA temperture and humiduy sensor

  Datasheet   Detail

Small weather station shutters multi-function sens

SM6333B Small weather station shutters multi-function sens

  Datasheet   Detail

<b>RS485 tower crane wind speed alarm instrument</b>

KD67B86 RS485 tower crane wind speed alarm instrument

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='XM9152B'>Analog conversion acquisition module

XM9152B Analog conversion acquisition module for guide rails

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='XD8906'>Color screen display light tester</fo

XD8906 Color screen display light tester

  Datasheet   Detail

<b>RS485 interface temperture and humiduty and CO2 sensor</b>

SM2171B RS485 interface temperture and humiduty and CO2 sensor

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='XM8566'>Pipeline UV sensors</font></b>

XM8566 Pipeline UV sensors

  Datasheet   Detail

Industrial WIFI multi-channel PT100 temperature acquisition m

SM6501T Industrial WIFI multi-channel PT100 temperature acquisition module

  Datasheet   Detail

Industrial WIFI multi-channel SHT10 temperature and humidity

SM6510T Industrial WIFI multi-channel SHT10 temperature and humidity acquisition module

  Datasheet   Detail

Industrial WIFI multi-channel PT1000 temperature acquisition

SM6502T Industrial WIFI multi-channel PT1000 temperature acquisition module

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='SM9562B'>Stainless steel photosynthetic irrad

SM9562B Stainless steel photosynthetic irradiance sensor

  Datasheet   Detail

<b> RS485 temperature and humidity atmospheric pressure senso

KM51B90  RS485 temperature and humidity atmospheric pressure sensor

  Datasheet   Detail

<b>7 inch temperature and humidity color display</b>

SD8820B 7 inch temperature and humidity color display

  Datasheet   Detail

<b>R485 industrial grade stainless steel pipe wind speed sens

KM37B89 R485 industrial grade stainless steel pipe wind speed sensor

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='XM8515'>Stainless steel temperature and humid

XM8515 Stainless steel temperature and humidity transmitter

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='SM2138B'>Industrial grade water immersion sen

SM2138B Industrial grade water immersion sensor

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='XM8691'>Isolated aluminum-case USB to 485 con

XM8691 Isolated aluminum-case USB to 485 converter

  Datasheet   Detail

<b>LCD integrated sensor for atmospheric pressure, temperatur

KD51B90 LCD integrated sensor for atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity

  Datasheet   Detail

<b>RS485 display type split pipe wind speed sensor</b>

KD37B89 RS485 display type split pipe wind speed sensor

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='SM6396B'>Outdoor shutter box temperature, hum

SM6396B Outdoor shutter box temperature, humidity, light, PM2.5, PM10 noise integrated sensor

  Datasheet   Detail

<b>RS485 to NB IoT wireless NB IOT module</b>

SN5093B RS485 to NB IoT wireless NB IOT module

  Datasheet   Detail

<b>Networked color display for small weather stations</b>

SD8860B Networked color display for small weather stations

  Datasheet   Detail

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